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Impact: A Journey of Fierce Devotion

We’re on the other side of la Luna’s expansion—Full Moon in Leo, which is the 6-month container and halfway point to the New Moon in Leo in early August. I intentionally planted seeds of courage by sharing the following quote with the organization for which I have devoted the majority of my work time—Lighthouse Community Public Schools

The quote I used to ground our 200+ community of educators for 1400+ students in East Oakland at the start of the 2019-20 school year. As such, becoming my leadership anchor for the year as well.

as we launched the 2019-20 school year and year 2 of our 5-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Commitments. The main initiative—a yearlong staff learning arc focused on conversations about race—in racial affinity and across racial difference groups 5-times throughout the year. This critical work gives time and space for adults to process and heal our own wounds of racial trauma as we navigate and relearn what it looks and feels like to hold this space for our young people from K-12. In preparation to bring together and co-host this same community for our 2nd annual DEI Day this Friday, February 14th, I am honored and grateful for the dose of love and equity that will be brought both individually and collectively as a family of schools. 

I am energized knowing I’m not alone in this work.

I am part of a team. 

I am finding my 2020 rhythm.

I am expanding.

So are YOU just like the moon ?

“Full Moon Truth: no partner, manager, or government can claim to be our keeper. Our loyalty belongs to ourselves.” ~ Jennifer Racioppi, Lunar Logic Blog

To show up in this work—both personally and professionally, which I will touch on further in future posts—is NOT for the faint of heart. It takes courage. Loyalty to self.

Fierce Devotion, I would say, to be your authentic and whole self. Not hiding the parts of you that society has socialized out under the guise of either/or thinking such as…

  • good or bad;
  • right or wrong;
  • success or failure; or
  • my personal fav: win or lose.

I’m also leaving behind in 2019: Perfectionism. Sense of Urgency. Quantity > Quality.


The Year of Fierce Devotion & Impact

Which is why after further reflection, I have decided to honor 3 words in 2020 as I expand my Lovelution vision into the next decade:

  • Devotion (n.): love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.
  • Fierce (adj.): showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.
  • Impact (v.): have a strong effect on someone or something.

These are my driving forces for 2020. As with any drivers, objectives provide the vision to implement key initiatives to support the desired outcomes.

In Re-Activate: Love in Action (January’s post), I shared how “as an Activator (1 of my 5 signature strengths), I am grounding into 5 Intentional Justice™ practices that will inform how I show up throughout the month as I hold various spaces and dialogue across various social platforms, organizations, and spaces I hold in-person.  These are the five practices:

  1. Quote of the Month
  2. Tarot Card
  3. 4 Agreements Card
  4. Rainbow Energy Card
  5. Personal Inquiry Qs (linked to the moon)

While the quote is my daily reminder of the impact I want to have as a result of my fierce devotion, the 3 tarot (or affirmation) cards are the outcome of an annual ritual.

My Wheel of the Year

My 3 Fav Card Decks
My 3 Fav Card Decks

I started this tradition last year when I truly yearned for a way to ground into a year of uncertainty while claiming a Year of Liberation, so this year I committed to doing so on New Year’s Day. I picked my 3 fav card decks: 

  1. “Rainbows” Oracle Deck
  2. Dust II Oynx: A Melinated Tarot
  3. The Four Agreements Card Deck

Then, I shuffled the respective decks, lit a candle and some sage to cleanse the decks, and let the cards pick themselves—a card from each deck for every month—as I held in my 2020 word of the year in my mind, body, and soul.

?REMINDER: Sharing your word of the year is your thread of consistency and accountability for the year ahead. ?

My 2020 Wheel of the Year
My 2020 Wheel of the Year

Now you may be wondering…

  • How do you then let the cards guide you? 
  • Do you record them and refer back through the year? 
  • How does it inform your planning?

Last year, I used the 3 cards as my monthly anchors to ground and support my intention setting connected with the new/full moon cycle. This year, I have already outlined monthly themes for each month aligned with the Gregorian calendar and 2020 blog schedule. Thus,

  • the tarot card is my internal compass ?
  • the rainbow card is the mood/energy needed ?
  • the agreement card is what I need to relearn ?

By doing so, this is one way I will practice and model—Fierce Devotion—resulting in the impact I want to have in 2020 and the decade ahead ?

And so, I turn it over to YOU…

Manifest Your 2020 Intentional Justice™ Vision

  1. Inside Work: the internal self-awareness work that requires holding up the mirror to own and unlearn what’s reflected back

Grab a notebook, pen, and your phone. Set a timer for 5 minutes and respond to these Qs:

  • How can YOU be loyal to yourself? Or in other words, how can you love yourself as a practice of devotion?
  • By doing so, what impact will you make this year?
  1. Accountability: taking responsibility to take action outside of yourself and in the world
    • Option A: Send a text to a friend to CLAIM THE IMPACT you want to make in 2020 in a headline or two. Because when you name it, it’s easier to claim it, and be held accountable.
    • Option B: Share this post with a friend or colleague inviting them to hold up the mirror to activate their own mirror (inside) work.

Need more time? 

You get to choose the time you can devote to creating Justice in your life. Once you’ve taken your bite-sized and deliberate action, I’d love for you to share any thoughts or reflections in the comments below. I also invite you to reach out to me directly at jillian @ mamajlove dot com

While the above is a sampling of my Intentional Justice™ practices,  use what resonates and leave the rest.


In lovelution…

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