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Category : Praxis of Persistence

18 Apr 2020

Part 1: The Professional IS Personal

A 3-Part Series Welcome to a 3-part series focused on the practice of aligning your professional life with your personal life. The timing of this series is serendipitous as it was originally slated to drop this month as a 2-part series. Then we all began sheltering in place as COVID-19 emerged as a global pandemic. This caused me to pause and reconsider the following question I have been pondering since early September 2019: What does it feel like to recognize that […]

15 Mar 2020
I will not be broken

It Takes Courage

It takes courage to trust yourself.
It takes courage to invest in yourself.
It takes courage to bet on yourself.
It takes courage to love yourself.

03 Mar 2020
11 Feb 2020

Impact: A Journey of Fierce Devotion

We’re on the other side of la Luna’s expansion—Full Moon in Leo, which is the 6-month container and halfway point to the New Moon in Leo in early August. I intentionally planted seeds of courage by sharing the following quote with the organization for which I have devoted the majority of my work time—Lighthouse Community Public Schools… as we launched the 2019-20 school year and year 2 of our 5-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Commitments. The main initiative—a yearlong […]

14 Jan 2020
Mama J's Jan 2020 Quote

Re-Activate: Love in Action

Discipline says I need to. Duty says I ought to. Devotion says I want to. ~Adrian Rogers Today I am grateful that I am saying, “I want to…” to everything on my plate with love, intention, and Justice in action. Today I honor the time I had to pause, rest, and heal over the two week period that was Winter Break—the last week of December 2019 and the first week of January 2020. Today I re-activate my cultural superpower—Love in […]

14 Aug 2017

Thoughts on Charlottesville

Because it must be said… Because your words and actions matter… Because it’s not business as usual… • Despite peacefully falling asleep with JJ last night, I was startled awake. I was called to read the various perspectives, to take note of who has spoken and who chooses to remain ? Then I couldn’t sleep. • I share this not to guilt or shame you into action, yet simply to publicly share your words and actions matter. I’m leaning into […]

02 May 2017

Identity: Why the focus?

As Dimensions Shift, Embracing Love & Compassion:  A Flashback to August 2014  “If you bring forth that which is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” ~ Gospel of St. Thomas I can no longer deny or postpone the fact that my job is ending in two and half weeks, transitioning me to full-time self-employment. While I’m trying to enjoy these last weeks of perceived “stability” with the freedom and responsibility ahead, I’m also struck with the simultaneous transition […]

02 Feb 2017

Turning My Angst Toward the Lovelution #WhyIMarch & 3 Steps of Intentional Justice to Speak Y(OUR) Truth

As I sit to write this post about #WhyIMarch, I am aware and acknowledge that I have been silent on this platform–the place I call home to connect my current musings for all things love + intention when it comes to loving, learning, and living in Berkeley/Oakland, CA since my Post-Election Invitation. Short on time?! Scroll down to…3 Steps of Intention Justice™ to Speak Y(OUR) Truth Beloved community is formed not by eradication of difference, but by its affirmation, by […]

29 Mar 2016
26 Sep 2015

Molding My Mama Mindset

Jaylin, As you sleep in my right arm so soundly while resting your hand gently on mine, our 10 months together feels like an eternity and yet it’s truly just the beginning. The gift of each breath you take inflates my desire to love you with every cell of my body the only way i know how–completely and forever. Our journey as mother and daughter has already had its ups and downs (I’m sure nothing from the contrary that many […]