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Tag : Year of Fierce Devotion

07 Apr 2020

April 2020 Quote

Our anchoring quote for April 2020… What resonates? How does it remind you to stay fiercely devoted to your vision? Please share your thoughts in the comments ? In lovelution…

11 Feb 2020

Impact: A Journey of Fierce Devotion

We’re on the other side of la Luna’s expansion—Full Moon in Leo, which is the 6-month container and halfway point to the New Moon in Leo in early August. I intentionally planted seeds of courage by sharing the following quote with the organization for which I have devoted the majority of my work time—Lighthouse Community Public Schools… as we launched the 2019-20 school year and year 2 of our 5-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Commitments. The main initiative—a yearlong […]

03 Feb 2020