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How Do You Want to Feel?

This post is a slight departure in hopes of inspiring you to turn inward. As I embrace the last days and weeks of my first pregnancy while anticipating the start of my next chapter—motherhood, let’s talk about your life.

Do you feel free? Joyful? Connected?

Most importantly, does your life feel the way you want it to feel?

When I read for the first time, I was focused on outlining and achieving my next set of accomplishments instead of creating a life based on how I wanted to feel each day or when my goal(s) were achieved. In fact, I initially stumbled across Danielle LaPorte’s in my quest for online entrepreneur resources. I was immediately hooked by her upfront and authentic prose, so I signed up for email updates.

Fast forward a few months later and this led to me purchasing the initial program on NYE 2012, which was fitting since this is when Danielle came up with the process a decade earlier. This purchase solidified my desire to change my relationship to goals in 2013. This was HUGE considering goal-setting has personally been an annual NYE tradition since around the age of 10. While I worked through the process individually and ultimately landed on 5-7 CDFs that first year (2013), it wasn’t until I led a DM Book Club earlier this year (2014) that the power of the process was undeniable. I document my process in these two blog posts:

Needless to say, The Desire Map was the catalyst for the change I needed.

I now feel…open and spacious. To my heart’s desire. Ease and relaxed. Regarding my to-dos. Overall, peace and calm.

This book isn’t just intellectual theory. It actually walks you through the process of practically (+ soulfully) creating a life that you actually want to live, connected to people, experiences and things that you actually want to be connected to.

It seems so obvious, right?  Of course! My life should feel good!

But the thing is, so many of us aren’t living that way. We’re fixated on what others think we should do. We’re pushing ourselves to meet someone else’s expectations of The Great Mom, The Successful Businesswoman, The Patient Wife or The Forgiving Friend.

In all that striving and achieving to meet other people’s expectations, a lot of us have lost ourselves. For a while, I did. The Desire Map snapped me out of it and got me back on my own life track, moving towards a future that feels right for me. And because of the profound impact desire mapping has had on my life, I want to sing about this work from the rooftops. I want you to have this opportunity to reclaim your life too, which is why…

When I heard that Danielle was creating a Licensing program so that people could teach this material, I was one of the first people waving my arms at the front of the line. Because I truly believe that advocating authenticity and educating social justice is actually “healing our souls” work. And now…

I have a process to help guide such work that I know firsthand works. This is why I’m thrilled to announce that not only am I an official Desire Map Licensee (cue the confetti!) that I have also begun preparations to host my first virtual Desire Map Workshop in February/March 2015 with in-person retreats beginning shortly after.

If you’d like to join me, click here for more details.


It’s never too late to live a life that feels good. A life that you consciously choose and design, based on your own core desired feelings. I’d like to help you uncover those feelings so you can start building a life that helps you generate them not just ever so often…EVERY day!!!

Much love,
Mama J

P.S. I will truly miss writing these bi-monthly blog posts while I step back and enter the next amazing chapter of life. Just know that while I may be silent in this format that I’ll be dreaming, reflecting, and planning ways to share with you in 2015!

Already deeply in love with The Desire Map? Want to become a Desire Map Facilitator?

The beautiful thing about facilitating The Desire Map process is that every facilitator approaches it from their unique perspective, using their unique story, and bringing their unique flavor. There is room for all of us who are called to lead this work—democracy in full effect. If you’re already familiar with The Desire Map and you want to lead your own soulful workshops and retreats (or fold Desire Map into your existing coaching, counseling, or yoga business).

Full disclosure: This is an affiliate link. If you follow through with the purchase of a license (or product through the above links), I receive credit as the person who brought you into the Desire Map community of licensees. If you ask me, it’s simply savvy business and beautiful karma.

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