A Love Note from Me to You!
Hopefully, we can each point to someone in our life who has had an impact by their presence, love, or a combination of the two. Luckily for me, I can point to numerous individuals that this applies, yet it’s my wife’s presence and love that has been life changing. It’s from such love along with the love and respect I have for myself and my fellow citizens of the world that I desire to commence a lovelution.
What is a lovelution you ask?
Simply put, it’s my take on a revolution minus a forcible overthrow. Instead, I define it as follows:
a generously radical, inclusive, and pervasive change using LOVE
to transform our heart, soul, and mind in our life,
family (blood + self-defined), community and network,
society, and social structures.
Across my various roles—daughter, sister, wife, friend, employee, part-time graduate student, justicepreneur, and soon-to-be mom—I’ve been thinking a lot about impact. So much so that I’ve been inspired while sometimes paralyzed by endless, sometimes competing and conflicting thoughts: What’s my desired impact? What changes do I want to see in the world? How does my work make a positive impact?
While beads guided my leap of faith to manifest the launching of my business and website two years ago today, this is just one part of the whole. It’s time to expand and put into action the “Advocate & Educate” component of the Jillybeads for Justice mission of “Advocate & Educate, all while Accessorizing.” Moving forward, Jillybeads for Justice will be Advocating Authenticity & Educating Social Justice, all while Accessorizing our Soulful Identity with Handmade Beauty.
You might be thinking, “Sounds awesome!” So, what does that look like in practice?
Jillybeads for Justice intends to provide services (a boutique coaching & consulting practice), as well as products (jewelry shop) that includes a $10 donation with the price of each jewelry product to continue to support social ventures and 501c(3) organizations that are moving the cause of social justice forward. To learn more about the Featured Organizations we currently support, click here.
What’s new is my desire to guide individuals and organizations on a journey of discovery through exploring their identity. It is my belief that Authenticity + Love + Freedom = Being Courageously Bold, which aids in knowing your heart’s desire while understanding and finding your authentic voice. This path of self-advocacy continues with education and the guiding principal that Identity + Intersectionality + Unlearning Privilege = Social Justice. This will happen through self-guided workbooks and eCourses, as well as in-person workshops.
The ultimate vision is a community where a cyclical process of learning, dialogue, reflection, and action—praxis—occurs alongside creativity. The framework for this vision focuses on the intersectionality* of identity—the place of authenticity—and how to use such an exploration to help 21st century leaders, practitioners, and social justice educators within business, education, and sport, especially women of color, find their authentic voice, as well as assisting companies and organizations in using the framework to build a community and culture of respect, safety, and authenticity in which dialogue, collaboration, and understanding occurs. Although there are still numerous details to determine and products to development, one thing is for sure: giving back will always be foundational to any product or service that Jillybeads 4 Justice offers.
All this is to say, I welcome you to the new Jillybeads 4 Justice home and stay tuned for future developments!!
In solidarity,
Advocate & Educate, all while Accessorizing!
Advocating Authenticity & Educating Social Justice,
all while Accessorizing our Soulful Identity with Handmade Beauty.
[1] Intersectionality describes the perspective that our experiences depend on all aspects of a person’s identity rather than just one.