My Fuel: Moving Closer to the Unknown “Pressure creates diamonds.” #truthbomb @DanielleLaPorte Hey Team Justice! With the reveal of the newly designed Jillybeads 4 Justice website on Monday, June 9th, which also happens to be the business’ 2nd Anniversary and my 32nd Birthday (yay!), it’s a blissful (and a bit stressful) time in my world. Plus, my wife* and I recently shared with our friends and community that we’re expecting our first child in late November (double yay!!), so I’ve been a bit distracted by […]
How do you want to feel? Hey Team Justice! Can you believe it’s already been two weeks?! As time seems to be speeding up with each passing day, week, month, and year, so does my desire to make a difference. Instead of focusing on a never-ending list of to-dos and goal chasing, I have a renewed outlook that has revolutionized my day-to-day perspective—focusing on my core desired feelings. As I mentioned last time, I have spent the last 5 months and […]
Refueling for a Rebirth What have you been up to for the last 5 months?! Hey Team Justice (what I would like to affectionately call you now)! If you’re new to our community here, welcome, so lovely to have you! And of course lots of appreciation and a big hug too if you’ve been following for some time. I’m so grateful for our connection. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me…like a looooong while. Over 5 months to be exact, […]