How do you want to feel?
Hey Team Justice!
Can you believe it’s already been two weeks?! As time seems to be speeding up with each passing day, week, month, and year, so does my desire to make a difference. Instead of focusing on a never-ending list of to-dos and goal chasing, I have a renewed outlook that has revolutionized my day-to-day perspective—focusing on my core desired feelings.
As I mentioned last time, I have spent the last 5 months and one component of that fuel has been *. While I went through the process solo just a year ago (see A New Day: Guided by My Desired Feelings; plus, get a sneak peak of the newly designed Jillybeads website), I had the great fortune to lead an incredible group of women through the process over a 5-week period as I too actively participated. Even though I pride myself on self-reflection and inquiry, going through the process a second time in community, reminded me of the importance and power of going deep and building connection with other women who desire to feel from their heart. By sharing and hearing one another’s thoughts and feelings (ranging from hopes and dreams to doubts and fears) provided connection to our own thoughts and many aha moments.
The Desire Map can be described as a process, system, or philosophy that is about getting to the core of how you want to feel. Danielle LaPorte, the creator, believes when you set goals, “You’re not chasing the goal, you’re chasing the feeling.” As a admit goal-setter since the age of 10, this shift rocked my world. How could I accomplish anything without goals?!
The simple answer…a LOT! It’s amazing how easy a decision is to make when you focus on how it will make you feel. Thanks to the Desire Map, I’ve been able to get to the core of what’s important in a way that has allowed me to go deep within myself while helping to go to a place that I hadn’t even fully understood that I needed or wanted to go.
The Desire Map has become a practice. With my core desired feelings (CDFs) of luminous liberty, bliss, and compassionate expansion (each of these links go to a Pinterest board with representative words and images), these five words have become a prayer I say in the morning and a reminder throughout the day. They are what I say to myself when I get frustrated or something painful arises. Simply put, they help to center me while reframing and revolutionizing how I approach EVERYTHING!
This is part of my fuel and a tool that will be incorporated into my new vision for Jillybeads 4 Justice. If you are interested in learning more or joining a future book club (either in-person or virtually), please feel free to reach out to me by email at
With love and desire,
~ Jillian |