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Category : Praxis of Persistence

14 Aug 2014

Identity: Why the Focus?

As Dimensions Shifts Embracing Love & Compassion “If you bring forth that which is within you, what you bring forth will save you.” ~ Gospel of St. Thomas via @Jillian4Justice Launching a lovelution is just the beginning. Who we are (how we show up in the world to ourselves and others) and the experiences that result have an impact, often defining us. Identity is the lens that has helped me make sense of who I am and how I view the […]

31 Jul 2014

Intersectionality: Let the Dialogue Begin…

 “Our desired impact… people begin to recognize our social and cultural identities are intertwined…” @jillian4justice   Today I had hoped to share how my mindset shift—5 Keys to Embracing Your Own Personal Lovelution (in case you missed it)—is expanding to a shift in my identity. However, I’m still exploring this new found awareness and how to share it with you. What I know for sure (thanks Oprah for this phrase!) is…that in a few weeks time, I’ll have a better handle on […]

09 Jun 2012

Why I Started a Business…

In preparation for launching my online store—Jillybeads 4 Justice, my partner kindly asked for a reminder of why I was doing this. I can’t lie, my first reaction was to get defensive and then I realized, she’s the one person who should know without hesitation the extent of my vision and dreams for this new venture as it will involve her and our family. Then came the decision that I wanted to share it with the universe as well to […]

06 Apr 2011

What I Have Learned from a National Model of Praxis: The Core Values of NWP

As I fly back to the Bay Area from the National Writing Project’s (NWP) 2011 Spring Meeting, my mind swims in thoughts about the impact NWP has had on the tens of thousands of teachers we at the national office serve. For these amazing educators and leaders, I write today to show my support and solidarity for the #blog4NWP effort. Although I was in Washington, D.C. supporting the event as a national staff member, I also co-facilitated a segment of […]

17 Jan 2011

My Dreams on this MLK Day

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. I Dream… I dream of a world that truly provides freedom & justice for all. I dream of true equity for women where we are no longer exploited for pleasure, power, or profit. I dream of learning all I can from those around me. I dream of becoming a better daughter, sister, friend, colleague, and partner in the year ahead. I dream of committing my heart & soul […]