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LOVE: A R E V O L U T I O N ❣ #StandWithOrlando

Today, L❤️????VE feels like a…

R E V O L U T I O N ❣

Originally shared via @mamajlove1 Instagram on Sun, June 12...

It takes courage to love…
2 be vulnerable to another.

It takes faith to love…
2 believe OUR love is equal.

It takes passion to love…
2 be driven for and with your beloved.

It takes will to love…
2 believe I am is we.

It takes power to love…
2 be strong enough to lose control.

It takes pain to love…
2 believe the suffering will diminish + get better.

It takes love to love…
2 be all in and willing to grow.

It takes justice to love…
2 believe small, deliberate action each day matters.

It takes freedom to love…
2 be fiercely committed to courageous praxis. ?????????????????? ???
I am sad. I am angry. I am sacred.
The reality is that #lovewins ?
I refuse to fuel the fear.
I stand committed to My #MamaMindset::
Inspiring a #Lovelution ? of#IntentionalJustice ✊?
I stand in ? P R I D E ? with my community❣
I stand with #Orlando ?
I stand for L❤️????VE❣
#standwithorlando #standforlove#lovelutionmama #loveislove#queermama #lgbtlove

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